melody n. 1.甜蜜的音乐,好听[和谐]的调子;好听的声音;歌曲;适合唱歌的诗。 2.【音乐】旋律,曲调;主调。 melody of one's utterance 讲话的抑扬顿挫。
beautiful adj. 1.美,美丽的,美好的;漂亮的,华丽的,优美的。 2.极好的。 a beautiful girl 美丽的少女。 a beautiful speech 精彩的演说。 a beautiful character 美好的人品。 have an eye for the beautiful 有审美眼光。 a beautiful opportunity 极好的机会,大好时机。 a beautiful stratagem 上策。 the true, the good, and the beautiful 真善美。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind 美妙的音乐在我心中回荡。
. . . with a beautiful melody . . .一只旋律优美的歌
With a beautiful melody .一只旋律优美的歌
For a long time , beautiful melodies floated through the air one after another 悠扬动听的歌曲,一首接著一首,持续了许久。
Bobo : i heard of that song before , it has beautiful melody and wonderful lyrics 我以前听说过这个歌曲,它旋律动听,歌词也很棒
With different wind speed , breezes travel through the tubes and thus leave beautiful melodies 随风速不断变化,便演化为不同的音调,奏出扣人心弦的乐章。
With different wind speed , breezes travel through the tubes and thus leave beautiful melodies 根据声乐原理,簧片震动后,长铜管能发出低音,短管能发出高音。
At that moment , everyone in the room merged into one light , and all were held in the sway of a beautiful melody that seemed to come from nowhere , and from some unknown instrument 在那一刻,我们每个人都融入这片光海,徜徉在美妙乐音的怀抱中,那绝美的旋律不知是何种乐器演奏,也不知来自何处。
Ireland male vocal - charlie landsbrough has a refresting deep voice . he performs various classic songs in this album , with wonderful composing and beautiful melodies 爱尔兰美声男歌手charlie landsbrough以一把清新醇厚的嗓子献唱出多首至爱名曲,精彩的歌曲编排及优美的弦乐衬托出多段为人熟悉的调子